The One With Canada Day!

Why hello there my wonderful family and friends!
I so much hope that you all had a good, safe, week this week!
Being with a Canadian companion, this week I was exposed to a new holiday! CANADA DAY! Sister Duce taught me how to sing the Oh Canada, and we wore Canadian shirts, and it was pretty crack up. She’s the coolest! Wait till we get to the 4th of July…hee hee hee.
We started off our week with exchanges! I was on exchanges in Palmy with Sister Leonard! She is the coolest. On our exchanges, we got to teach a lot! And we gave away 4 Book of Mormons! We also climbed a sketchy as ladder to get to a really crazy door, went on a road trip to a windmill farm with a member, and held baby rabbits! It was an interesting day to say the least… Never fails to be an adventure with Sister Leonard and Sister Weight. We both had a good cry because she goes home soon, but then we forgot about that and went to work!
Once we exchanged back, Sister Duce and I had a really great week! We were able to keep ourselves busy and warm! It has been getting so cold here recently! I love winter! Bring it on!
We got to teach Sunday School for the youth yesterday at church, and then we taught Relief Society. I also had to be the ward chorister again… face palm. Our poor ward….Hahahaha. I love going to church! One of our investigators from a part member family came, and her kids both got blessed! It was a cool thing to witness, and Sam, (our investigator), definitely felt it, she was crying! I love her so much!
After church, we had dinner with a member, Sister Solo. She is moving to Auckland, and she was so sorry that she won’t be able to feed us again, so she woke up at 5am to start cooking us a MEAN island feed! She is Tongan, so she made us heaps of Tongan food! She made Makioke, Kasava, taro leaves, and so much more! We all laughed and then cried… I will miss her! She has been such a
blessing to have in our ward.
Well folks, that’s all the time we have! I hope you all have a great week! My thoughts and prayers are with you!
Spiritual thought: Joshua 3:5. This has been our mission Zone goal for this transfer! Sanctifying ourselves is not something that is easy. Especially when it means we are aligning our wills with God, but when we do that, the Lord will work WONDERS among us. I testify that this is true. Focus on the good. Look for the blessings, and always know that there IS a God out there, who loves you more than you will ever know.
-Sister Weight
Photos: Tragic biking in the cold with  Sister Leonard, and climbing that sketchy ladder…. Then the BOM, and My beautiful companion

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